MonsterTrak offers a guide to all jobs green.
Actics is the new ethical Facebook with some eco-chic bigwigs like TreeHugger contributors, etc. - friend me here!
And an addition from Jen: another terrific search engine from Sustainable Business.
Find ethical jobs of all sorts at Idealist.
An article on describes the green job phenomenon.
And... GreenBiz itself "is looking for guest and regular columnists and feature writers. We're seeking contributions from business leaders as well as the journalists who write about them. If you're interested, send a brief query to managing editor Matthew Wheeland, at"
But my favorite of all is the The GreenBiz JobLink. You can even fill in the drop-down menu to search entry level jobs. Yesssss!
My friend Julia told me about this website, it's how she found her fantastic job at a sustainable architecture firm in NYC: