Wednesday, January 28, 2009

On Being Green at Work

My colleague and I discussed green teams on our way home from a training today - how it's really important for employees to own "greening" the workplace and come up with their own ideas about ways to save resources.

This green suit by Stacy Adams came from

Today, I discovered three ways work today was not conducive to being green:

1. Having to go to a meeting at a coffee shop that does not serve things in "for here" cups. It's awkward not to buy something...
2. Having to drive places.
3. Having to pay to park places with exact change. Having to procure said exact change by buying things. Like Kit-Kat bars. Which I eat. And then dispose of the remains.

Of course, there are three ways work is conducive to being green:

1. Paying for a good portion of a bus pas as an employee benefit.
2. Having a refrigerator and microwave in the break room.
3. Providing reusable cups, silverware, and dishes in the break room.

There are others who have thought about this a lot more than I have:
* Jill Velez from Whole Foods discusses ways to green up the workplace (thanks to Regi for the link!)

* Robin from Green Options shares 5 ways to green your coffee.

* Stephanie Rosenbloom and Michael Barbaro for the NY Times chart Wal-Mart's rise to the top of the (green business heap?)

In other news, don't forget to shop at thrift stores. You may just find an $8000 work of art.


  1. Here are a few ways my work is green:

    1. We OWN a thrift store.
    2. We teach kiddos to be environmental advocates.
    3. Our bats eat "unsellable" produce donated by local grocery stores, and we compost all produce scraps and leftovers.

    Here are some things I'm trying to get us to work on:

    1. We use way too much paper.
    2. We need more fuel-efficient vehicles (please New Mexico, approve my capital outlay request!). Also, public buses from Albuquerque to the East Mountains (unlikely).
    3. Our compost pile is exactly that - a pile of produce scraps located next to our dumpster. We need to build bins and actually process our compost.

  2. You own a thrift store?!

    That's way cool that the bats eat unsellable produce. Does it all come from one chain, or do lots of them collaborate?

    Hey, at least you compost in some form! Form being a pile, I mean.
