Saturday, December 27, 2008

In Bizarre News..

A plastic surgeon in SoCal is being investigated for using waste fat from his clients to power his vehicle as biodiesel, which is illegal in the U.S. His office has been shut down while he is under investigation.

image from

They say biodiesel from fast food restaurants smells like French fries when driven.. I wonder what "lipodiesel" smells like?

In all seriousness, this is a wrenching article - I am almost over the weird enough to feel bad for him. I think he's just trying to do the right thing. Apparently his clients knew about it and liked the idea. It's a tough call... biowaste is not something you want to mess around with.

(Thanks to Eve for this weird, weird article from the Daily Telegraph.)


  1. WoW my business runs its trucks on biodiesel and now that I read this article it seems pretty funny. "We proudly run our trucks on your fat a$$" hehe.. Good article, good blog!

  2. Sooooo true. It's such a sign of a gross consumer culture - "we have so much food we can eat way too much, store it as fat, suck it out, and then run our cars on it!" Ewwwwww,,,

    Way to go running your trucks on biodiesel! Who supplies it for you?

    Thank you and thank you.
