Sunday, November 11, 2007

Shower Timer

Well ring a bell and make me drool. I thought I was the stubbornest of the untrainable. Even four months of minimal showering in Morocco was not enough to break my junior-high-instilled habit of showering daily. Usually a 10-to-15 minute user, I never thought I could be trained to take a shower in five minutes.

Little did I know.

This amazing little shower timer (stolen from my co-worker's desk.. hi Laura!) has me whipped into shape! The first day felt rushed, but a week later I was squeaky clean with time to spare. And I have more time to read the Chron in the morning!


  1. For those that don't have the will to get out after 5-minutes, there is a device named the Shower Manager that will cut the water flow after 5-minutes.
    You can visit: www.Shower


  2. Yeah, my junior high required us to shower after every gym class five days a week too. Plus I was of course showering every day at home.

